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대형 정유주들 잉여현금흐름(FCF) BP 쉐브론(CVX) 로얄 더치쉘(RDS) 엑손모빌(XOM) 2021. 7. 17.
워렌 버핏 2021년 1분기 포트폴리오 쉐브론 50% 매도 웰스파고 대량 매도 AON 보험주 신규 편입 VZ 추가 매수 2021. 5. 18.
텔라닥 TDOC 2021 1분기 어닝 seekingalpha.com/news/3687290-teladoc-health-eps-misses-0_72-beats-on-revenue?utm_source=webull.com&utm_medium=referral reports 1Q21 EPS of $(1.31) [down 227.5% y/y] vs est of $(0.62) [miss by 111.29%] & Revs of $453.68M [up 150.93% y/y] vs est of $451.92M [best by 0.39%]. Rev segments: - Access Fee: $388.156M [up 183% y/y] - Visit Fee: $54.462M [up 24% y/y] - Other: $11.057M [new line item] Tot.. 2021. 4. 29.
인기 스펙 top 20 2021. 4. 14.
코인베이스 상장 Price of 250 per share www.cnbc.com/2021/04/13/coinbase-reference-price-250-ahead-of-direct-listing.html 2021. 4. 14.
존슨앤존슨 혈액응고현상으로 백신 중단 www.streetinsider.com/FDA/U.S.+to+Call+for+Pause+of+J%26J+%28JNJ%29+Vaccine+After+Clotting+Cases%2C+Including+One+Death+-+NYT/18252938.html U.S. to Call for Pause of J&J (JNJ) Vaccine After Clotting Cases, Including One Death - NYT (Updated - April 13, 2021 7:06 AM EDT)The FDA and CDC on Tuesday will call for an immediate pause in use of J&J's (NYSE: JNJ) coronavirus... www.streetinsider.com 2021. 4. 13.
10년물 채권 경매 1.68% 응찰률 2.36 2021. 4. 13.
엔비디아 대규모 AI 및 고성능 컴퓨터를 위한 CPU 공개 www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/04/12/2208486/0/en/NVIDIA-Announces-CPU-for-Giant-AI-and-High-Performance-Computing-Workloads.html NVIDIA Announces CPU for Giant AI and High Performance Computing Workloads ‘Grace’ CPU delivers 10x performance leap for systems training giant AI models, using energy-efficient Arm coresSwiss Supercomputing Center and US... www.globenewswire.com 2021. 4. 13.
마이크로소프트 NUAN 인수 www.cnbc.com/2021/04/12/microsoft-buys-nuance-communications-in-16-billion-deal.html?__source=sharebar 2021. 4. 12.